[imp] login failed message, but login was successful

Norberto Bensa nbensa at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 11:26:17 UTC 2008

neys wrote:
> yes, but i have no uppercase names. i should mention, that my imap server
> (cyrus) authenticates against the same ldap database as horde. before i
> switched horde auth to ldap, i queried the ldap over imp auth. that worked
> always, i never got an "login failed" error. but since i first make an
> horde ldap auth and then an login to cyrus, the cyrus login failes
> sometimes.

I have the very same problem at work. 

I've migrated from files/exim/courier/squirrelmail to ldap/postfix/cyrus/horde 
and now, every now and then, horde auth success and cyrus/imp fails. 
Actually, sort of fails because I can see the folders, but shows a "Login 
failed" where the folder content should be.

I suspect some kind of time-out, but it's just a guess. I haven't fixed nor 
traced it yet.


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