[imp] DIMP + safari?

Liam Hoekenga liamr at umich.edu
Tue Feb 26 17:22:46 UTC 2008

>>> I'd be interested to see if you still see this with DIMP head.
>>> Message list processing has been completely rewritten as of RC2 and
>>> sporadic issues I have seen in the past have gone away with the rewrite.
>> Rewritten as of RC2, or after RC2?  We're running RC2.  Are there specific
>> files I could pull down from head and put into my RC2 installation, or is
>> this really a "go out and install HEAD" situation?
> After RC2.  And the latter, since the changes affected probably 5-10
> different files.

I updated my CVS installation, and I'm still getting...

     doActionComplete callback: Maximum call stack size exceeded

and the little chasing "something AJAXy is going on" circle.
If I dismiss the error, and then reload the page, I get the message list 
(although, that works in RC2 as well).  Curiously, if I use this "fix" in 
one DIMP session, I can start a fresh session on a different server name 
(we have dev and beta sites right now), and I get right in.

Other than change configuration settings, I've not customized any of the 
CVS code.

> I can verify that the latest DIMP code does *not* seem to run under
> Safari 2 because of the stack size issue.  But as far as I can tell,
> all (recent) Safari 3 builds have a stack size of 500.  What does this
> page return for you?
> http://tests.novemberborn.net/javascript/callstack-size.html

500 for me.


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