[imp] issue w/ "rename_sentmail_monthly" maintnenace task (was Re: replaying monthly maintenance)

Ronan SALMON rsalmon at mbpgroup.com
Mon Aug 4 20:54:58 UTC 2008

Liam Hoekenga <liamr at umich.edu> a écrit :

>>> So, I'm trying to invoke the monthly "rename sent-mail folder at  
>>> the beginning of the month" maintenance.
>> So, instead of removing last_maintenance, just set it to a date  
>> from the previous month.
> Thanks very much!
> So, here's the problem I'm investigating.  If you have maintenance  
> enabled, and tell it to rename the sent-mail folder at the beginning  
> of the month, the session that performs the maintenance will display  
> this upon login..
> * sent-mail folder being renamed at the start of the month.
> * The folder "sent-mail" was successfully renamed to "sent-mail-jul-2008".
> * The folder "sent-mail" already exists
> sent-mail appears in the folder list (but I think that's because the  
> folder list was populated and cached upon login).
> If you try to access "sent-mail" from the drop down, or the folder  
> management screen, you get dropped into what appears to be an empty
> folder.
> If you send a message, you get..
>     Message sent successfully, but not saved to sent-mail
> If you try to copy or move a message into sent-mail, you get...
>     There was an error copying messages from "Inbox" to
>     This is what the server said: [TRYCREATE] Mailbox does not
> Checking the folder list using external means shows that sent-mail  
> does not actually exist.
> Access to the sent-mail folder is reestablished in subsequent  
> sessions (ie - logout of IMP, log back in, sent-mail now works  
> again), but I'm sure that's because we've got a postlogin hook to  
> create the sent_mail_folder if it doesn't exist.  We continue to see  
> this behavior even if I disable our postlogin hook.
> I'll post a bug report, but I was wondering if anyone has seen this?

We're using Horde/Imp since the beginning of this year and we didn't
get any problem regarding maintenance tasks until the 1st of this  
month. we had the same problem as you experienced. The Sent folder was  
renamed as Sent-08-2008, but the Sent folder wasn't created on the  
server. We had the same error messages. I had to create the Sent  
folder manually on the server for each user.

I thought it was because we had $conf['server']['cache_folders'] =  
true, but setting it to false, I wasn't able to reproduce the bug.

We don't have any postlogin hook.


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