[imp] IMP create folder but after logout/login they are missing. Is a IMAP4rev1 compatibility problem?

Geppo103 geppo103 at cheapnet.it
Thu Sep 4 17:42:47 UTC 2008

I'm new from this mailing list.
I hope my question is not a duplicate! My apologize for my english ! :-(

I've problem creating folder by IMP; It seems to be able to create 
folder and put messages inside them but after logout / login the 
folder and messages are missing.
If I check directly on the mail server I can see all the folders 
created an the messages inside but I cannot manage or see it from IMP.

I'm almost sure that it's a IMAP protocol communication problem: My 
email Server use IMAP4rev1

Probably I should add 'imap_config' lines to /imp/config/servers.php 
but I tried so many configuration without important results.

Only this one permit to write and see some folder , but they result 
syntactically  incorrect for horde.

$servers['imap'] = array(
   'name' => 'IMAP Server',
   'server' => '',
   'hordeauth' => true,
   'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
   'port' => 143,
   'realm' => '',
   'preferred' => '',
   'quota' => array(
        'driver' => 'imap',
        'params' => array(),
   'acl' => array(
        'driver' => 'rfc2086',
   'imap_config' => array(
        'children' => true,
        'namespace' => array(
           '' => array(
              'name' => '',
              'delimiter' => '.',
              'type' => 'personal',
              'hidden' => false
           '#shared.' => array(
              'name' => '#shared.',
              'delimiter' => '.',
              'type' => 'personal',
              'hidden' => false
        'search_charset' => array(
           'UTF-8' => true

Can someone help me? :-)

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