[imp] customize To: field in Imp 4.2

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Fri Oct 17 04:54:22 UTC 2008

Paul Caldwell wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 12:40 AM, Paul Caldwell <paulcaldwell90 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> In Imp 4.2, we need to customize imp/templates/compose/compose.html and
>> access addr.input_value.  It is an array that loops over the To field and
>> the CC field, but we want to address its value for the To field without
>> looping.  Could some more knowledgeable shed a light on the grammar to
>> address that single value?  I tried <tag:addr[0].input_value /> , to no
>> luck.
>> For the curious, we modified Horde Imp a bit so that when the user sends an
>> email, he can choose to send To three destinations: list, support, himself,
>> through a pull-down menu (he cannot type To address any more).  This worked
>> well with 4.1.4, and our hack is attached in the end.  Now we are trying to
>> upgrade to 4.2, but found the codes changed drastically that I can't figure
>> out how to hack it now.  Our hack for 4.1.4 was in
>> imp/imp/templates/compose/compose.inc :
>>   <tr>
>>     <td class="light rightAlign"><strong><?php echo Horde::label('to',
>> _("_To")) ?>&nbsp;</strong></td>
>>     <td class="item">
>>       <table width="100%">
>>         <tr width="100%">
>>                 <td class="leftAlign">
>>                   <select name="to">
>>                     <option value="list"<?php if($header['to']=="list")
>> echo 'selected="selected"' ?>><?php echo _("list") ?></option>
>>                     <option value="support"<?php
>> if($header['to']=="support") echo 'selected="selected"' ?>><?php echo
>> _("support") ?></option>
>>                     <option value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($from)
>> ?>"<?php if($header['to']==$from) echo 'selected="selected"' ?>><?php echo
>> _("self_address") ?>(<?php echo htmlspecialchars($from) ?>)</option>
>>                   </select>
>>                 </td>
>>           <td class="rightAlign"><?php echo Help::link('imp', 'compose-to')
>> ?>&nbsp;</td>
>>         </tr>
>>       </table>
>>     </td>
>>   </tr>
>> Thanks, Paul
> To be more specific, imp/templates/compose/compose.html appears to employ
> homemade syntax, such as looping, if, and arrays in this "html" file.  But I
> can't find syntax definition of these structures anywhere, especially how to
> address an array element without looping in this "html".  Anyone has any
> suggestion of decipher it?


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