[imp] Reply to encrypted message doesn't include quoted original message

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Sun Nov 9 19:23:29 UTC 2008

Quoting "vuser1 at test123.ru" <vuser1 at test123.ru>:

> So I continue Horde/IMP deployment. I am impressed, very good email  
> solution if you are not lazy to read config files and modify them  
> according to your needs. Now the question:
> When I reply to encryted message, instead of original message IMP shows:
>    [No message body text]
> Reply to normal or signed message shows original email as follows:
>   Quoting <...>
> But when I *forward* encrypted message, IMP shows text of original  
> email - as expected. Is it a feature or bug? Why I can't reply with  
> quoting, but still can forward?

This is a limitation of the MIME handling in Horde 3.  It will be (and  
already is being) addressed in Horde 4.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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