[imp] dimp preview

LALOT Dominique dom.lalot at gmail.com
Sun Dec 14 08:55:50 UTC 2008

Thanks Mickael

That's users first tries. I'll explain your point of view. I will hide imp
preview options so users don't get confused. I've done a patch: when they
cick on dimp options, they go to imp options..As I locked dimp options the
were getting a blank screen. Dimp or IMP, there should only one "courrier
options", but that's probably due to horde architecture.



2008/12/12 Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>

> Quoting Dominique LALOT <dom.lalot at gmail.com>:
>  Hello,
>> Some users expect to get the same behaviour than in imp preview (they
>> found it very usefull). If you just put the mouse over the subject,
>> you'll get a little preview which is only repeating the subject. How can
>> we recover imp's way? Even if clicking on the mail is fast enough, that
>> was a nice feature.
> DIMP already has a preview mode.  It is overkill to have two different
> forms of preview (not to mention that the IMP method of doing previews
> creates a much higher load on the servers).
> michael
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Dominique LALOT
Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux

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