[imp] reset sort order of a folder

Michael Menge michael.menge at zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
Thu Jan 22 07:58:27 UTC 2009

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Quoting Steve Paras-Charlton <steve at falchion.com>:

> Ok, got an odd question here.
> I have a very large mailbox (20000+ messages) served to imp via imap  
>  with a Maildir back-end.   Unfortunately it is slow (yes I know I   
> should clean up), and it is even slow enough that if I search in it,  
>  I get "no messages" regardless of the search criteria (I expect   
> there's a timeout, but I haven't had a chance to look carefully).
> My real problem is that I accidentally clicked about my first   
> message and it is trying to sort my INBOX by From: field.  This   
> results in the above mentioned suspected timeout, and I get "no   
> messages" in my INBOX.  This makes reading my mail difficult, and   
> unfortunately, since there are no messages, no headers are   
> displayed, so I can't change the sort order back to msgno.
> I've tried (without much hope) just resetting the default sort   
> order, and as expected, no change.
> Is there a way to reset the sort order on a folder without viewing it?

I created an enhanchement reqest (http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/7823)
which was rejected. If you have write acess to the database you can delete
sortpref for your user form the horde_prefs table

M.Menge                                Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universität Tübingen                   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung          mail:   
michael.menge at zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen
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