[imp] Trouble importing Sieve rules

Mariusz Czyz mczyz at artic.edu
Thu Apr 2 16:26:06 UTC 2009

After upgrading from Horde 3.1.5, Imp 4.1.5, ingo 1.1.4 to Horde 3.3.3, 
Imp 4.3.3, Ingo 1.2.1 I'm having trouble regenerating filters in Ingo.

All the Sieve rules are stored on a different (remote) server. After 
upgrading to newer releases, Ingo does not recognize the existing rules 
and any attempt to manipulate the filters results in the Sieve rules 
file being overwritten and all previously accumulated rules being lost. 
I can verify from Ingo by clicking on "Show Active Script" that the 
original Sieve script is in place and is active but deactivating and 
reactivating the script overwrites the original (remote) script with 
whatever changes in Filters were done (locally) since the upgrade.

Is there any way to make Ingo aware of the existing Sieve script?

Mariusz Czyz
Network Administrator
The Art Institute of Chicago
116 South Michigan Avenue
Suite 400
Chicago, Illinois 60603

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