[imp] Trouble importing Sieve rules
LALOT Dominique
dom.lalot at gmail.com
Fri Apr 3 09:08:28 UTC 2009
OK, I've done it too. But what I noticed was that some people gets their
filters, some others don't.
I run that script several times after dropping ingo tables. I had 25000
accounts, staff and students and it tooks minutes to complete and no echo at
Checking return code, I only saw that it was not 0.
I tried keeping off students, and the script finished. all the ingo rules
were translated and at the end of the script, I got the echo of the work.
I haven't understood the exact problem anyway! Pushing higher cpu ou memory
limits did not resolve y problem.
2009/4/2 Mariusz Czyz <mczyz at artic.edu>
> Dom,
> I've done that.
> [root at server upgrades]# php convert_prefs_to_sql.php < users.txt
> Converting filters for user: test.....done
> Now, there are double sets of rules for user 'test':
> Edit Whitelist 1. Whitelist Disable Whitelist
> Move Rule Down To:
> Edit Vacation 2. Vacation [disabled - click to enable] Enable
> Vacation Move Rule Up Move Rule Down To:
> Edit Blacklist 3. Blacklist Disable Blacklist Move Rule Up
> Move Rule Down To:
> Edit Spam Filter 4. Spam Filter [disabled - click to enable]
> Enable Spam Filter Move Rule Up Move Rule Down To:
> Edit Forward 5. Forward Disable Forward Move Rule Up
> Move Rule Down To:
> Edit Whitelist 6. Whitelist Disable Whitelist Move Rule Up
> Move Rule Down To:
> Edit Vacation 7. Vacation [disabled - click to enable] Enable
> Vacation Move Rule Up Move Rule Down To:
> Edit Blacklist 8. Blacklist Disable Blacklist Move Rule Up
> Move Rule Down To:
> Edit Spam Filter 9. Spam Filter [disabled - click to enable]
> Enable Spam Filter Move Rule Up Move Rule Down To:
> Edit Forward 10. Forward
> Mariusz
> LALOT Dominique wrote:
>> look at ingo/scripts/upgrade there is scripts for migrating. Ingo rules
>> were in prefs, but now ingo has several tables to do the job. don't remember
>> the name of the script.
>> Check the return code of the script. I had a problem when there was too
>> many entries to convert. I tried to put more memory on the script or cpu. I
>> finally limited the number of accounts and it works.
>> Dom
>> 2009/4/2 Mariusz Czyz <mczyz at artic.edu <mailto:mczyz at artic.edu>>
>> After upgrading from Horde 3.1.5, Imp 4.1.5, ingo 1.1.4 to Horde
>> 3.3.3, Imp 4.3.3, Ingo 1.2.1 I'm having trouble regenerating
>> filters in Ingo.
>> All the Sieve rules are stored on a different (remote) server.
>> After upgrading to newer releases, Ingo does not recognize the
>> existing rules and any attempt to manipulate the filters results
>> in the Sieve rules file being overwritten and all previously
>> accumulated rules being lost. I can verify from Ingo by clicking
>> on "Show Active Script" that the original Sieve script is in place
>> and is active but deactivating and reactivating the script
>> overwrites the original (remote) script with whatever changes in
>> Filters were done (locally) since the upgrade.
>> Is there any way to make Ingo aware of the existing Sieve script?
>> -- Mariusz Czyz
>> Network Administrator
>> The Art Institute of Chicago
>> 116 South Michigan Avenue
>> Suite 400
>> Chicago, Illinois 60603
>> --
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>> --
>> Dominique LALOT
>> Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux
>> http://annuaire.univmed.fr/showuser.php?uid=lalot
Dominique LALOT
Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux
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