[imp] imp authentication question

Pete Masse pete at chemistry.montana.edu
Mon Apr 6 21:23:48 UTC 2009

I am preparing to set up a Horde + Postfix + Dovecot + mysql email system and I want to make sure I'm on the right track.

I would like to manage users via Imp in Horde and use MySql as a backend.  Since Postfix and Dovecot will also use MySql to store user information, should I be able to use the same username and password created in Horde to authenticate Postfix and Dovecot, provided they all use the same hash function (md5 for example)?

If there is a better (simpler) way please let me know other wise am I on the right road so far?

Pete Masse
System Administrator
Chemistry and Biochemistry
CBB 51
pete at chemistry.montana.edu
(406) 994-5379

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