[imp] Recent Debian upgrade causing error in Tree.php

Brett Charbeneau brett at wrl.org
Fri Apr 17 14:39:02 UTC 2009

 	I'm running a Debian 4.0 ("etch") installation of Horde and IMP and 
there's been a recent upgrade to what the maintainers are calling imp 
 	My IMP install is working well (so this error is just an annoyance), but 
my users are seeing this message in the upper right-hand corner of IMP:

Notice: Undefined index: imap_server in /usr/share/horde3/imp/lib/IMAP/Tree.php 
on line 82

 	The line in Tree.php in question is:


 	and I *suspect* there's a conf file I haven't tweaked yet.
 	Are there any other Debian users out there that can nudge me to the 
correct file to alter?

Brett Charbeneau, GSEC Gold, GCIH Gold
Network Administrator
Williamsburg Regional Library
7770 Croaker Road
Williamsburg, VA 23188-7064
(757)259-4044          www.wrl.org
(757)259-4079 (fax)    brett at wrl.org

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