[imp] Spell Checking In Imp

Brian Leggee brian at leggee.com
Sat May 30 06:38:23 UTC 2009

   Hi ERIK (others FYI) I have the exact same problem. Spellcheck says  
I have "No Errors" always. Where do you go to "Select Language" every  
time as a workaround? I couldn't find it ...>

> Hi everyone,
> I'm having a problem with spell checking in the compose window.   
> We're upgrading our current Horde installation but we've also  
> tested  this and had the same problem on a new installation.   
> Versions are  Horde 3.3.4, Imp 4.3.4 and aspell.
> This is the problem.  When I click on Check Spelling the program   
> goes into the spell check process but doesn't identify any errors.   
> In order for it to work I have to first select a language.  If I   
> then compose another email I have to repeat the process including   
> selecting the language.  It seems to me that the language should   
> either automatically default to a language or at the very least  
> save  the prior language selection so I don't have to select the  
> language  on each email.
> I find it hard to believe that this is intended behavior so I'm   
> hoping I'm missing something.
> Thanks for any help.
> Erik
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