[imp] Auto complete email address...

ANANT S ATHAVALE asa at isac.gov.in
Tue Jul 28 03:46:55 UTC 2009

Dear List,

I am facing the following problem now almost once every day.   
Expanding address suddenly stops working.  ie. I get display  
indicating it is trying to expand, but can't expand. I am restarting  
httpd to solve the problem.

My prefs.php for address book in imp/prefs.php is as below.

// address book(s) to use when expanding addresses
// You can provide default values this way (note the \t and the double  
// 'value' => "source_one\tsource_two"
// refer to turba/config/sources.php for possible source values
$_prefs['search_sources'] = array(
     'value' => "localsql\tlocalldap\tfavourites",
     'locked' => true,
     'shared' => false,
     'type' => 'implicit');

// field(s) to use when expanding addresses
// This depends on the search_sources preference if you want to provide
// default values:
// 'value' => "source_one\tfield_one\tfield_two\nsource_two\tfield_three"
// will search the fields 'field_one' and 'field_two' in source_one and
// 'field_three' in source_two.
// refer to turba/config/sources.php for possible source and field values
$_prefs['search_fields'] = array(
     'value' =>  
     'locked' => true,
     'shared' => false,
     'type' => 'implicit');


How to debug whenever this happens again.


Anant Athavale.

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