[imp] IMP very slow on Centos 5

Wayne Catterton ciscoswitch at putercom.org
Tue Sep 29 04:30:11 UTC 2009

It's pretty slow, about 20 seconds. And it fails the imap/ssl due to a
self signed certificate.. but this shouldn't affect IMP if it's only using
Plain auth, notls..  right?

> Quoting Wayne Catterton <ciscoswitch at putercom.org>:
>> Thanks,
>> Ok, I've got horde setup to use imp for auth, and imp is set to auth
>> through imap.  I'll leave this alone.
> If you go to /horde/imp/test.php (or whatever your path is to IMP's
> test.php) and test the authentication at the bottom, is it fast or
> slow?
> --
> Eric Rostetter
> The Department of Physics
> The University of Texas at Austin
> This message is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind,
> either expressed or implied.  Use this message at your own risk.

Wayne Catterton CCNA
Network Engineer
Scappoose, OR

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