[imp] New hook for search_sources reg.

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Sep 30 09:05:51 UTC 2009

Zitat von ANANT S ATHAVALE <asa at isac.gov.in>:

> Dear List Members,
> Yesterday, I applied the Horde Groupware WebMail Edition 1.2.3-1.2.4 patches.
> Following are some of the settings in  prefs.php in IMP.
> $_prefs['search_sources'] = array(
>     'value' => "localsql\tlocalldap\tfavourites",
>     'locked' => true,
>     'shared' => true,
>     'hook' => true,
>     'type' => 'implicit');
> $_prefs['search_fields'] = array(
>     'value' =>  
> "localsql\tname\temail\nlocalldap\tname\temail\tstaffnumber\nfavourites\tname\temail",
>     'locked' => true,
>     'shared' => true,
>     'type' => 'implicit');
> I enabled the example hook for search_sources.  And also set 'use_shares' for
> localsql in turba to true.
> As per the CHANGES document, I should have been able to expand my  
> personal address book which is in localsql.  But, It did not happen.  
>  Again, I reverted 'use_shares' to false, and expand works for all  
> of localsql, localldap and favourites.

Does this happen with a fresh account? If you are using an older  
account which already has the preference set, it doesn't have any  
effect to enable the hook.

> After applying the patch, hook => true was mentioned only for  
> 'add_source'.  Now I added it for 'search_sources' also.
> So, still my users are not able to use their additional personal  
> address books created by them.
> Did I do any mistake in setting up prefs.php or hooks.php?
> Regards,
> Anant Athavale.
> -- 
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