[imp] IMP, multiple account & duplicated email

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Apr 8 17:30:07 UTC 2010

Zitat von Massimiliano Ceneri <m.ceneri at hotswap.it>:

> Hi all,
> I ask your support to resolve a problem with Horde Webmail Edition  
> Ver 1.2.4 (Horde  v.3.3.5 and IMP H3 v.4.3.5).
> In the current configuration, horde/imp gain access to an IMAP  
> server outside my lan (eg imap.pluto.com) maintained by an ISP  
> (Aruba.it).
> I configured one of my IMAP account (aaaa at pluto.com) and everything  
> works fine but if I configure IMP to manage a second account eg.  
> bbbb at pluto.com via fetchmail, except for the first control, every  
> subsequent mail check will show duplicated emails.
> (If there are 2 messages, I'll found 4 , if there are 4 messages  
> I'll found 8 and so on. Always the same)
> I played with the preferences under "Options for Mail" - "Fetch  
> Mail" - "Edit your preferences for supplied to access other email  
> accounts" - "Get only new message?" but after the first check, which  
> downloads all the emails in the box, if I get a new email,every  
> subsequent check I'll find the same email duplicated!

This is hard to diagnose without looking at the IMAP traffic, but  
chances are that this server is indeed always presenting those  
messages as new.


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