[imp] Redirect, reinjection in DIMP

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Nov 17 12:48:37 UTC 2010

Zitat von Simon Brereton <simon.brereton at dada.net>:

> Hi
> One of the reasons I run Horde, is because I've had such a fantastic  
> user experience with it as a user from another installation.  That  
> installation doesn't seem to have been updated in a while, but  
> nevertheless, has a feature that I miss from my installation.  And I  
> wonder if it was a custom written feature or if I've just missed it  
> in my options...
> The ability to redirect a mail to another smtp address.  (The link  
> actually says "Redirect" and allows you to reinject the mail into  
> the mail queue with a new recipient address.
> Actually, I have found this in IMP, but I am missing it from the  
> DIMP interface.  Is there any reason this is not an option under  
> other actions?

Yes, it hasn't been implement in (your version of) DIMP yet.


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