[imp] Bad issue with IMP

Matiss Jekabsons matiss at jekabsons.lv
Thu Dec 16 20:58:22 UTC 2010

No no no. I like to select multiple mails. ... Ok... Outlook... If you select jus one mail vithout holding control you can not accidently delete some needed mail. Here if you are just reading mail, its automaticly selected - thats issuee i think

-- zi?as ori?in?ls --
T?ma: Re: [imp] Bad issue with IMP
No: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
Datums: 16.12.2010. 22:35

Quoting matiss at jekabsons.lv:

> When you open email (dynamic imp) it opens and is going to be  
> selected te same time (checkbox)... you read mail - its important..  
> then you see lower one spam email - select it (check box) and delete  
> it ... :( it will delete first readed mail. Is there a way to switch  
> off that automatic checkboxing? :/

So you want to remove the ability to select multiple e-mails?  I'm  
pretty sure many people find this a feature, not an issue.  IMP can  
only do so much - it can read people's minds.  If people select  
multiple e-mails, and then click delete, it can only assume both  
messages were intended to be deleted.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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