[imp] imp 5 and menu.php
LALOT Dominique
dom.lalot at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 12:15:28 UTC 2011
$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin() did the trick. Sorry for the noise
2011/4/12 LALOT Dominique <dom.lalot at gmail.com>
> In the old times.. I added a test to check if the user was admin. How could
> we do that now?
> *if (Auth::isAdmin()) {*
> $_menu['admin']=array(
> 'url' => '/admin/config/index.php',
> 'text' => 'Admin',
> 'target' => '_blank',
> 'icon' => '/themes/tango-blue/graphics/administration.png',
> # 'icon' => $GLOBALS['registry']->getImageDir('horde') .
> '/administration.png'
> );
> }
> Thanks
> Dom
> 2011/4/12 LALOT Dominique <dom.lalot at gmail.com>
>> 2011/4/12 Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
>>> Quoting LALOT Dominique <dom.lalot at gmail.com>:
>>> 1.
>>>> How do I convert my dimp menu.php to new version of horde?
>>>> 'répondeur' => array(
>>>> 'action' => 'DimpBase.go("app:sos","/horde/ingo/vacation.php")',
>>>> 'text' => _("répondeur"),
>>>> 'icon' => $GLOBALS['registry']->getImageDir('ingo') .
>>>> '/vacation.png'),
>>>> the API has completely changed and I found no documentation for that.
>>>> What
>>>> should we use now?
>>> You need to either write your own javascript handler to handle your menu
>>> items or hack the template.
>>> The old menu.php javascript action was tremendously hackish and was
>>> removed for this reason.
>> hackish may be, usefull surely. I am not a javascript developper. If
>> somebody could send the new hack, that would be perfect..
>>> 2.
>>>> I added compenents to imp menu using $conf[menu][apps_iframe] = true in
>>>> conf.php
>>>> What is strange: ingo mnemo are OK, but kronolith has a direct link
>>>> without
>>>> ajax. So the sidebar disappear when I click on kronolith link.
>>> This is expected.
>>> michael
>> It's a pity this is not a pref.. Hard to explain to users to comeback to
>> imp. Should be a setup choice
>> Dom
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>> Dominique LALOT
>> Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux
>> http://annuaire.univmed.fr/showuser.php?uid=lalot
> --
> Dominique LALOT
> Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux
> http://annuaire.univmed.fr/showuser.php?uid=lalot
Dominique LALOT
Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux
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