[imp] Horde Webmail Edition 4.0 - Dynamic view not working

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sat Jun 18 10:16:46 UTC 2011

Zitat von Christopher Kunz <chris at filoo.de>:

> Hi,
>> Any errors in the javascript console?
> No, there were no JS errors. There was a CSS error, but there are no JS
> problems. There's no network traffic either.
>> This is only from listing the folders, not the folder contents. If  
>> that's all that's in the IMAP log, then the request probably  
>> doesn't even reach IMP.
> Yes, that was what struck me as weird. I just couldn't see any IMAP
> requests failing or timing out, IMP just wasn't talking to the servers.
> However, I found a partial solution that seems to work for some
> browsers. In the Administration Menu, go to the Mail (imp)
> Configuration, and then to the
> "Dynamic View" tab. If you set $conf[dimp][viewport] from 0 to a
> non-zero value (I used 2), the dynamic view seems to work fine in
> desktop browsers. No idea what the background is, but it WFM.
> Mail display is still broken in the mobile (smartphone) view. The Safari
> debug console gives one error; I have attached a screenshot.

I fixed that already in Git.

Obviously there's also some problem with the jQuery Mobile CSS when  
using CSS caching in Horde, so I suggest not enabling this when using  
the mobile interface for now.


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