[imp] cannot click to view inbox

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sun Jun 19 10:32:44 UTC 2011

Zitat von Caleb O'Connell <coconnell at portlandtaps.com>:

> Jan Schneider wrote:
>> Zitat von Caleb O'Connell <coconnell at portlandtaps.com>:
>>> I recently upgraded to dovecot 2.0.6 and enabled the pidgeonhole sieve
>>> filter.
>>> I also upgraded horde/IMP to 5.0.7, which I believe was released on the
>>> 14th.
>>> When I log into dynamic view, I used see in my left menu:
>>> inbox
>>> drafts
>>> sent
>>> spam
>>> I know no longer see the inbox link.  Below I have all the custom folders
>>> I created, and among these is a listed inbox, but I cannot clikc it as a
>>> link.
>>> When I view in traditional view, I see the inbox among all the folders,
>>> but
>>> I cannot click on the folder.  It's only the inbox that I have this issue
>>> with.
>>> When I log on, I do go direclty into my inbox, so I can see my mail, but
>>> If I click onto, say my spam folder, I can't click anything to get back
>>> into my inbox.
>>> Thank you in advance for any help and suggestions.
>> You shouldn't have upgraded all at once without testing individual
>> upgrades first. Anyway, you need to find out if this is IMP's fault at
>> all. Do other mail client behave different than before the Dovecot
>> upgrade too?
>> Jan.
> I probably should have clarified.  I upgraded to Dovecot 2.0.6, tested and
> all was fine.  I then checked and saw there were upgrades to Horde and I
> deceided I would do those as well.  From what I can tell, this symptom came
> about after the horde upgrade, although to be honest I cannot confirm that
> it didn't exist from the dovecot upgrade.  I mainly made sure all my changes
> in the backend, config and prefs files were all good in all the modules I
> upgraded.  This could very well be a dovecot imap subscription issue.  On my
> phone, which I use imap with, all the folders work fine.
> I see no messages in any of the dovecot log files, I have horde logging to
> it's own file, and the horde instance for apache log to their own files as
> well.  None of them give me a message about any permissions or anything.
> If there are any suggestions as far as what things in horde to check, the
> parts of an imap server horde deals with that may give an asnwer and if
> there is any additional logging options I may not be checking.

Maybe this is some corrupt cache entry. Try pruning the Horde cache.  
If that doesn't help, create a ticket and upload an IMAP debug log.


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