[imp] How is Virtual Trash set up in IMP 5?

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Nov 9 14:06:23 UTC 2011

Zitat von francis picabia <fpicabia at gmail.com>:

> Looking through the preferences and config UI, can't see how Virtual
> Trash is enabled.   I've seen how to set it as the trash, but that
> won't create or enable it. There is an IMAP error if I only point the
> preference to Virtual Trash.
> This is all I have to go by, and I don't understand what other values
> it could be assigned :
> $_prefs['vfolder'] = array(
>     // By default, Virtual Inbox is enabled and Virtual Trash is disabled.
>     // 'value' => serialize(array())
>     'value' => 'a:0:{}'
> );
> --
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http://wiki.horde.org/CustomizingPreferences 3rd paragraph.


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