[imp] Improving IMP message load times

Mat Cantin mat at cantinbrothers.ca
Wed Dec 14 21:15:43 UTC 2011

The Horde imp/docs/PERFORMANCE links to www.imapproxy.org, but 
imapproxy.org FAQ [ http://imapproxy.org/faq.html#aaf] says that it 
isn't the Horde Imap Proxy and point to http://www.horde.org/imapproxy, 
which doesn't exist.

What's the deal?


On 12/14/2011 12:16 PM, Mat Cantin wrote:
> Sound like imapproxy is what I'm looking for. The 3 seconds come from 
> having to establish a new connection everytime a message is checked. 
> Funny the solution was right under my nose. Thanks!
> Would it make sense to incorporate imapproxy right into the IMP 
> install? Seems like something a lot of people would use by default.

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