[imp] Deleting a virtual mailbox (saved search)

cjdl01 cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com
Thu Dec 22 14:10:31 UTC 2011


I have a virtual mailbox storing search results.  I have had it since  
imp 5.0.15 (now on 5.0.16).  I'm done with it, and I want to delete  
it, but when I right click it and choose "Delete Folder", I get a red  
pop-up stating: "Could not open mailbox".

Of course, I'm not trying to open it, I'm trying to delete it.  In  
truth, the virtual mailbox opens just fine, and operates as it should.  
The only thing I have in my logs (in debug mode) is this:

Dec 22 08:11:40 mx2 HORDE: 1. IMP_Ajax_Application->doAction()  
/var/www/horde/imp/lib/Ajax/Application.php:95#0123. call_user_func()  
IMP_Ajax_Application->deleteMailbox()#0125. IMP_Mailbox->delete()  
IMP_Imap->deleteMailbox() /var/www/horde/imp/lib/Mailbox.php:720#0127.  
IMP_Imap->__call() /var/www/horde/imp/lib/Mailbox.php:720

Which doesn't mean much to me...

I went to Preferences for Mail, under Saved Searches, and clicked the  
little white on red icon (looks like a "do not enter" highway sign in  
the US), and that DID delete it.

It seems like it might be a minor glitch in the right-click menu.   
Maybe this is by design, but it is a tad confusing for the end-user  
and I just wanted to make you aware of it if you are not already (I  
couldn't find anything in the archives).  I assume the right-click  
menu is trying to treat it like an regular imap folder, when its not...



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