[imp] Configure UTF-8 viewing in Horde Imp

William Krick krick at 3feetunder.com
Sat Mar 17 22:23:13 UTC 2012

My host recently upgraded my Plesk installation from 8.6 to 10.2 and  
in the process my installation of Horde Imp webmail got upgraded.

Something now appears to be configured incorrectly as I often get this  
warning at the top of my emails...

This message was written in a character set (utf-8) other than your own.
If it is not displayed correctly, click here to open it in a new window.

My server is running a version of RedHat linux.
When I run this command...

locale -a

...there are three results for en_US...


...so I think the server is configured correctly.

Is there somewhere I need to configure Horde/Imp so that it can  
display UTF-8 when I VIEW (not send) messages?

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