[imp] New Mail notification latency

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Fri Jun 1 09:46:15 UTC 2012

Quoting Arjen de Korte <arjen+horde at de-korte.org>:

> Citeren Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:
>> Despite this warning, this is EXACTLY what everybody uses STATUS  
>> for.  So recent IMAP extensions have directly addressed this issue.  
>>  You should upgrade to an IMAP server that supports LIST-STATUS  
>> (and/or mailbox stat caching) if you want to see much improved  
>> behavior.  Or, the better solution, is to disable the option to  
>> allow a user to poll all mailboxes.  THIS IS A TERRIBLE IDEA AND IS  
> I mostly agree with the latter remark, but when using server side  
> filtering, I can imagine that people revert to this. It is a PITA  
> that one has to add each folder where messages are filtered into to  
> the list of folders that are checked for new mail.

Those who use server side filtering into separate mailboxes are smart  
(read: advanced) enough to know that they need to poll those  
mailboxes.  If they discover, by chance, that they forgot to do this  
once, it takes a second to correct this error.

And I totally disagree that just because you filter into mailboxes,  
you want to poll.  I have all sorts of filters setup to filter mail to  
mailboxes, and I don't want to be bothered (pressured) into viewing  
those messages (e.g. mailboxes used to archive list mail that I don't  
actively read on a daily basis).

Allowing users to unilaterally (and one-click) poll all mailboxes is  
simply a DoS waiting to happen.  I continually am on the edge of  
removing the feature.  I have kept it in because it **may** be useful  
for an installation with 1 (or a few) users.  But it most certainly  
should not be allowed if on a large installation, and should never be  
the default option.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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