[imp] IMP Permission denied error / user not authorized

peter lawrie peter.lawrie at glendiscovery.co.uk
Mon Feb 25 14:11:31 UTC 2013

Hi Arjen
Thank you for your suggestion,
I had already tried backends.local.php, but now I have one with just the
line you suggested.
I also modified backends.php so all the  example configurations have
'disabled' => true,
I reinstated the sql database for horde with one entry in horde_users with
a plain text password so I can have an administrative login.
In horde authentication I have sql authentication and plain encryption

I confirmed that within webmin/postfix I can access user mailboxes and
send/receive emails into the virtualmin default
Under 'imap server', I have enabled imap with no encryption
On the 'mailer' I also have 'plain' authentication.
However, I'm still in the same hole and no amount of digging gets me out of
the test.php script still gives IMP authentication failed
/var/log/maillog hasFeb 25 13:42:47 scotz1 dovecot: auth: mysql: Connected
to localhost (mail)
Feb 25 13:42:55 scotz1 dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (auth failed, 2
attempts): user=<plawrie>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=,
If I attempt to enter horde/mail with the username and password I have in
horde_users I get
 HORDE: User is not authorized for imp [pid 32760 on line 259 of
I can confirm this same username and password also set up as a 'real' linux
user in /etc/passwd

Yours in exasperation
Peter Lawrie

> On 25 February 2013 12:43, Arjen de Korte <arjen+horde at de-korte.org>wrote:
>> Citeren peter lawrie <peter.lawrie at glendiscovery.**co.uk<peter.lawrie at glendiscovery.co.uk>
>> >:
>> What is in your imp/config/backends.local.php file? If you don't have
>> one, there is your problem.
>> By default, IMP will use TLS secured IMAP connections through localhost
>> (see the comments in imp/config/backends.php). If you have not installed a
>> SSL certificate in your IMAP server, this will not work. If you have,
>> frequently this will fail since the SSL certificate invariably contains a
>> common name (CN) that does not match the hostname.
>> In either case you'll want to enable plaintext logins if you connect to
>> your IMAP server through localhost. Which should be fine, since Dovecot
>> will allow plaintext logins through localhost by default. If you don't have
>> an imp/config/backends.local.php file yet, the following should do the
>> trick:
>>   <?php
>>   $servers['imap']['secure'] = false;
>> Arjen
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