[imp] Fetchmail memories...
Rick Romero
rick at havokmon.com
Tue Feb 26 01:54:51 UTC 2013
Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:
> Quoting cjdl01 <cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com>:
>> I have searched the mail list archives, and I didn't really see an
>> answer to this (though I have seen the question posited a few
>> times). Will there ever be a fetchmail setting in imp again, like
>> there was in horde3? I (and my users) really liked that function,
>> and it was nice that anyone could set it up (they didn't need to
>> get with me).
> Fetchmail was worthless in many cases since a fetchmail process
> could easily exceed the maximum PHP process time/memory limit.
I agree. The best part was the interface, but to login to Horde to
have Fetchmail run was silly.
I was really hoping it would stick around - I have yet to upgrade in
part because of this loss of functionality. Although for me, what's
really lost was the interface to store/manage the remote host info,
not the actual fetchmail function.
For me, it's much more useful to extract the data to a fetchmail file.
The big issue with running Fetchmail like this is SSL issues, if you
can't validate the remote cert, Fetchmail will just barf and stop the
whole process - I think. I've had this for a while, have fun with it.
Looks like I originally wrote this like 10 years ago, so acronyms
apply with prejudice - IIRC, YMMV, IANAL, blah blah. :)
1. Below code snippit requires additional field in the Fetchmail prefs
called 'serverfetch', to trigger creation of fetchmail.rc file entry
2. One line per remote mailbox.
3. Run as (on FreeBSD) - /usr/local/bin/fetchmail -s -f
/home/root/fetchmail/fakefilefetchmail --auth password 2>&1 >/dev/null
4. Far from secure, though you only need outgoing connectivity from an
internal machine. No need for anyone other than an admin to be on it
(where they could see user's passwords in a 'ps')
5. All users get dumped to a single instance - watch run times
<important php snippet>
$query=mysql_query("SELECT pref_value,pref_uid from horde.horde_prefs
where pref_scope LIKE 'imp' and pref_name LIKE 'fm_accounts' ORDER by
/* Always dump mysql_error(), just in case */
if (mysql_num_rows($query) == 0){
die('MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error());
$localdomains=array('localdom1.com', 'localdom2.com'); // Used to
prevent fetching 'self'
/* Begin Loop of results (One result per uid)*/
for ($i = 0; $i<mysql_num_rows($query); $i++){
$result = mysql_result($query,$i , 0);
$email = mysql_result($query,$i,1);
if (!$result) {
die('Could not query:' . mysql_error());
// for each array in $newarray
/* Begin Array loop to create values (possibly multiple arrays per
result) */
foreach ($newarray as $curarray){
if (is_array($curarray)){
if ($curarray['serverfetch'] == 1){
if (preg_match("/imap/i", $curarray['driver']) ) {
//echo "ServerFetch is on \n";
$enablessl = "";
$sslpath = " sslcertpath /usr/local/share/certs/ ";
$sslpath ="";
$remotebox = "";
$proto = "";
$keep = "";
$fetchall = "";
$uidl = "";
$fastuidl = "";
$v_domain = "";
$vl_domain = "";
//Limit number of Fetchmail accounts per mailbox
if ($last_email == $email ){
}else {
$last_email = $email;
// echo $last_email . " " . $email_fm_count . "\n";
if ($email_fm_count > 8) { break; } // 8 accounts
per local mailbox
if ($curarray['server'] == "") {break;} //Skip empty server
if (strlen( $curarray['server'] ) < 5 ) {break; } //
Skip bad server
if (strlen( $curarray['username'] ) < 3 ) {break; }
if ($curarray['username'] == $email) {break;} //Skip
fetch to self
$v_domain = explode('.', $curarray['server']);
$v_domain = array_reverse($v_domain);
$vl_domain = $v_domain[1].".". $v_domain[0];
//print $vl_domain."\n";
if (in_array($vl_domain, $localdomains)) { break; }
// Skip 'alias' hack
if (preg_match("/gmail/i",
$curarray['server'])){$enablessl="ssl" . $sslpath;}
if (preg_match("/slashmail/i",
$curarray['server'])){$enablessl="ssl" . $sslpath;}
if (preg_match("/pop/i", $curarray['protocol'])){
if (preg_match("/mail.com/i", $curarray['server'])){
$fastuidl = " fastuidl 1 ";
$uidl = " uidl ";
if (preg_match("/imap/i",
if (preg_match("/ssl/i",
$curarray['protocol'])){$enablessl="ssl" . $sslpath;}
if ($curarray['rmailbox'] && $proto != "POP3"){
$remotebox = "folder " . addslashes($curarray['rmailbox']); }
if ($curarray['del'] != 1){ $keep = "keep"; }
if ($curarray['onlynew'] != 1){$fetchall = "fetchall"; }
$fmstring1 = "poll " . $curarray['server'] . $uidl .
" timeout 5 proto " . $proto;
$fmstring2 = " user \"" .
addslashes($curarray['username']) . "\" pass \"" .
$curarray['password'] . "\"";
$fmstring3 = " smtpname " . $email . $fastuidl;
$fmstring4 = " " . $remotebox . " " . $keep . " " .
$fetchall . " " . $enablessl . $sslpath;
//$fmstring5 = " smtphost, ";
$fmstring5 = " smtphost mail.domain.com ";
$fmstring = $fmstring1 . $fmstring2 . $fmstring3 .
$fmstring4 . $fmstring5 . "\n";
if (!is_resource($fp)){
$fp =
//echo $fmstring . "\n";
// Write the line into the file
</end important php snippet>
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