[imp] Archive instead of delete

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed Mar 27 20:45:14 UTC 2013

Quoting Michael Wisniewski <wisniewski at mwiz.org>:

> I was wondering if anybody knows if you can Archive mail instead of  
> Deleting it.  For now, I just have the delete move messages to an  
> "Archive" folder, but I would feel better if I can prevent those  
> messages from being wiped out by accidental clicks.

You should use IMAP ACLs to prevent expunging messages in that mailbox  
(remove 'e' right; might want to remove 't' right also so that  
messages can't even be flagged as deleted).

In IMP 6.1, you can set these ACL flags on a mailbox even if your  
underlying IMAP server doesn't support ACLs natively.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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