[imp] Installing horde git version

Michael Wisniewski wisniewski at mwiz.org
Tue Apr 23 12:38:42 UTC 2013

Quoting Luis Felipe Marzagao <lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com>:

> Em 21-04-2013 21:04, Michael Wisniewski escreveu:
>> On 2013-04-21 18:57, Luis Felipe Marzagao wrote:
>>> Em 21-04-2013 14:50, Michael Wisniewski escreveu:
>>>> On 2013-04-21 11:59, Luis Felipe Marzagao wrote:
>>>>> Em 21-04-2013 12:23, Michael Wisniewski escreveu:
>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>> I'm attempting to install the git version of Horde but running  
>>>>>> into a few problems.  Here are the steps I have done so far...
>>>>>> git clone git://github.com/horde/horde
>>>>>> Added the following to the install_dev.conf file...
>>>>>> $apps = array('content', 'horde', 'imp', 'ingo', 'kronolith',  
>>>>>> 'nag', 'sam', 'turba' );
>>>>>> When logging into the horde interface and viewing the  
>>>>>> applications, I can see "horde" listed, but nothing about imp,  
>>>>>> ingo, kronolith, etc... I've run the test.php for imp, and  
>>>>>> everything is coming back green.
>>>>>> What am I doing wrong?
>>>>> Read this carefully, specially the $app_fileroot configuration:
>>>>> http://www.horde.org/development/git#making-development-repos-web-accessible Also, make sure you reset/purge your cache files, because of  
>>>>> the
>>>>> autoloader cache.
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Thanks for the response.  Well, I set the app_fileroot and now  
>>>> the different categories exist in the admin menu, but if I click  
>>>> on the mail tab, I only see "Filters" and "Spam".  I configured  
>>>> my imap server, but that didn't seem to make a difference.
>>>> I also attempted to purge the autoloader cache by restarting  
>>>> apache, but something makes me think I didn't install the  
>>>> autoloader since I didn't put it in the apps list.
>>> The autoloader cache is a framework part, not an app, so when
>>> installing the git horde, you will always have it installed.
>>> Restarting the web server does not purge the cache. In linux, it
>>> would usually be in /tmp.
>>>> Thank you again for the help and response.  I know these are  
>>>> probably newbie questions, but I'd like to flip it over to the  
>>>> git version 5.1.
>>> If you are not going to develop horde, I can't see why you would want
>>> to install the git version. Pear installing the stable version is much
>>> simpler and stable and gives fewer headaches.
>> I agree, it would give me less headaches, but there are some fixes  
>> I want that are in the dev version that haven't been pushed into  
>> the release version.  I've been battling with this on and off today  
>> and for whatever reason, it just doesn't want to work.
> Making the git folder web accessible can be a little tricky. The  
> only thing I can recommend you is to read really carefully the page  
> I sent before, and pay attention to the cache (purge it),  
> permissions on horde folder/files and on the  
> horde/config/registry.conf.

Well, I figured it out.  As usual, it is something I was doing wrong.   
I have my horde install in a /webmail.new/ folder in web server.  So,  
for example, it's <url>/webmail.new/.  In my registry.local.php, I had  
this in there...

$this->applications['horde']['webroot'] = '/webmail.new';
$this->applications['imp']['webroot'] = '/webmail.new';

$app_fileroot = '/var/www/webmail.new/';

I commented out the imp.webroot line and things started working.  I'm  
not sure where I got that line from, but that was the trick.  Things  
are working better now.  Sorry for the bother!

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