[imp] Disable the Delete from folders

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Mon Jul 8 22:07:41 UTC 2013

Quoting António Godinho <to at esec.pt>:

>     I've upgraded our Horde/IMP 3 to the latest version of Horde  
> groupware webmail.
>     I wish to disable the Delete option from several folders, some  
> of our users deleted my mistake (or because they don't read)...  
> Anyway it's just easyer to do that.
>     Does anyone knows what I need to do? My guess it's somewhere  
> around imp/mailbox.html.php, but I'm kinda lost here.

The correct way to implement this is via ACL's on the IMAP server.  As  
a fallback, you can also use the ACL hook instead, but doing this on  
the IMAP server is much preferred.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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