[imp] Mail compose opens empty window

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Fri Nov 22 03:48:23 UTC 2013

Quoting Karel Kozlík <kozlik at kufr.cz>:

> Hello,
> I upgraded IMP from ver 4 to 6.1.6 and I encounter problem that when  
> I want compose new email message, new window with text "Loading ..."  
> appear and that's it. Except this text the window is empty.
> I found the page loaded to this window seems to contain the complete  
> HTML code for the composing window, but it is hidden via CSS. I  
> guess some javascript should uncover the elements of the window, but  
> this did not happen. I do not see any errors on the javascript  
> console of the browser (firefox and chromium), all required files  
> are loaded (no 404 errors). I neither see any erros in syslog on the  
> server.
> Do you have any idea what could be wrong? Or what else should I check?

Unfortunately, you will have to trace the javascript yourself to find  
the issue.  (It might not throw an exception that appears in the  
browser log since some code made unfortunately be eating the  
exception.  Prototypejs does this with some of its internals).


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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