[imp] Behaviour of Empty Folder option - clarification reg.

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Mon Mar 17 06:10:50 UTC 2014

Quoting ANANT S ATHAVALE <asa at isac.gov.in>:

> Dear List,
> Upgraded to HGWE 5.1.4.  I am not sure, whether the behaviour was  
> same even before upgrading or not. But, the user showed me the  
> behaviour which is not as expected (according to us).
> The user has a preference that, deleted mails get moved to Trash.   
> He is reaching quota limits.  He wants to empty a folder so that,  
> usage can be reduced.  So, he selects Empty Folder for the folder  
> which he wants to empty.  The output gives warning that, the mails  
> will be permanently deleted, and user confirms.  Now, IMP says,  
> deleted or emptied successfully and user finds that there are no  
> mails in that folder.  But, after few minutes, he finds that, all  
> mails are right back in that folder.  So, actually moving to Trash  
> has actually failed, but IMP displays successful operation.
> Actually, IMP should have given out error for the operation.

You haven't provided any log information to prove otherwise though.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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