[imp] horde-alarms script producing log errors with horde 5.2

John H. Bennett III bennettj at thebennetthome.com
Fri Jul 11 18:31:29 UTC 2014


I have 2 test servers installed.  One with horde 5.1, and one with  
horde 5.2. I am seeing this in my logs on the server running horde 5.2:

Jul 11 11:10:06 www HORDE: [imp] [login] Authentication failed. [pid  
22459 on line 732 of "/home/httpd/html/horde/imp/lib/Imap.php"]

This is happening every five minutes, which corresponds to the cron  
job that is running the horde-alarms script.

If I manually run this script, I get the same log error.  This only  
happens with horde 5.2, on horde 5.1 I don't see this error.

The calendar alarms are working fine on both servers.  I created some  
calendar entries on both servers, and I was notified of the alarms.

The only difference between the two horde-alarms scripts are at the  
bottom of the file.

Horde 5.1:

Horde_Registry::appInit('horde', array('cli' => true, 'user_admin' => true));

$injector->getInstance('Horde_Alarm')->notify(null, true, false,  
array('notify', 'desktop'));

Horde 5.2:

Horde_Registry::appInit('horde', array('cli' => true, 'user_admin' => true));

$alarm = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Alarm');
$alarm->notify(null, true, false, array('notify', 'desktop'));
foreach ($alarm->getErrors() as $error) {
     $cli->message($error, 'cli.error');

Have I missed something in a config file somewhere, or how can I  
suppress this error message?

Thank you,

John Bennett

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