[imp] view of html and plaintext email.

John H. Bennett III bennettj at thebennetthome.com
Sat Jul 12 01:48:48 UTC 2014


I'm having an issue with imp 6.2.0 when receiving html emails.  When I  
send myself a test email using html, I'm seeing both the plaintext  
message and the html message.

I have both the plain text and html viewers set to inline true, so I'm  
sure that's the issue, but if I receive html, I'd prefer to only see  
the html message.

Under preferences/mail/viewing, I have also set html part for the for  
messages with alternative representation of a text part, which part  
should be display setting.

If I set the html driver to inline false, then I see the plain text,  
and get the, "this message part contains html data, but inline html  
display is disabled, so I must click the view html data in new window  
link to see the  html part.

Have I done something wrong, or is this the way it is?  I was  
expecting that if I receive HTML email, then show that, and not the  
text, or I guess a link to show the text.  I can't turn the plaintext  
inline viewer to false, because then I can't view most of my mail as I  
normally do.  I then have to click the text icon.

I hope I've explained that ok, and someone can help me fix what I've  
done wrong, or tell me this is working as designed.

Thanks again for your help,

John Bennett

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