[imp] notspam option gone in H5?

Brett Charbeneau brett at wrl.org
Mon Aug 25 16:03:48 UTC 2014

    I am reposting this as it does not show up on


    and may not have distributed.


Quoting imp-request at lists.horde.org:

> Read the header and commented out configuration example from
> 'imp/config/backends.php' I directed you to. The option still exists,
> it is just named differently.

     I have studied the comments on that document and the docs at


     and I am afraid I cannot reconcile to two. For instance, in  
backends.php it states

"This array can contain two keys - 'innocent' and 'spam'"

      The docs page has the example


      I'm not able to discern where 'innocent' or 'spam' would go as  
there is no example to follow.
      I'm sorry gang, I'm really trying here and I'm totally willing  
to read the documentation, I just don't understand it.
      I do have this also defined in backends.local.php which I  
understand effects the way notspam is defined/handled:

$servers['imap']['spam'] = array(
      'spam' => array(
               'display' => false,
               'email' => 'spam at address.org',
               'email_format' => 'digest',

Brett Charbeneau
Network Administrator
Williamsburg Regional Library
7770 Croaker Road
Williamsburg, VA 23188-7064
(757)259-4044          www.wrl.org
(757)259-4079 (fax)    brett at wrl.org

Brett Charbeneau
Network Administrator
Williamsburg Regional Library
7770 Croaker Road
Williamsburg, VA 23188-7064
(757)259-4044          www.wrl.org
(757)259-4079 (fax)    brett at wrl.org

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