[imp] Fwd: UNable to view any emails after upgrade of horde, imap and lz4 today to latest in Group Edition Webmail 5

info at interpost.biz info at interpost.biz
Fri Sep 19 12:01:19 UTC 2014

Actually the error message is:  "Mail server closed the connection 

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: UNable to view any emails after upgrade of horde, imap and lz4 
today to latest in Group Edition Webmail 5
Date: 2014-09-19 13:55
 From: info at interpost.biz
To: <imp at lists.horde.org>


I am unable to view any emails after upgrade of horde, imap and lz4 
today. It looks like it times out when trying to display a message. But 
it never displays.
The error messages states connection to IMAP server lost.

Can I provide you with any additional info to help resolve this 



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