[imp] ERR: HORDE IMP is marked as authenticated, but no credentials can be found in the session.

Andy Dorman adorman at ironicdesign.com
Wed Mar 1 20:39:49 UTC 2017

On 02/28/2017 02:07 AM, Alex wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 11:31 PM, Andy Dorman <adorman at ironicdesign.com
> <mailto:adorman at ironicdesign.com>> wrote:
>     On 02/27/2017 02:27 AM, Simon B wrote:
>         Please do not top post.
>         On 27 Feb 2017 04:15, "Alex" <alex9434 at gmail.com
>         <mailto:alex9434 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>             Hi Simon,
>             Thank you very much for your reply. I had already tried both
>             links that
>         you provided. Unfortunately both do not help to solve my problem.
>             1. Link 1 just states "There currently seem to be some
>             issues with
>         sessions and custom session ids via RPC under certain
>         circumstances that
>         are yet to be found." It provides no solution. Also the problem is
>         different: ActiveSync works for me! Its just that I cannot
>         access the
>         webinterface for IMP (Kronolith, nag, etc. still working!)
>         If ActiveSync is working, then Horde is working and your issue
>         is probably
>         stale webserver files What does your webserver logs say then?
>         Have you
>         cleared the cache?
>             2. Link 2 refers to database connection on port 3306. I do
>             not use port
>         3306 but instead unix sockets. The database connection works for
>         all other
>         PHP applications (e.g. adminer) on the same host, so I do not
>         suspect this
>         to be an issue.
>             I do not understand why you stated that "You're also not
>             installing horde
>         in a manner recommended by the devs". Of course I followed the
>         instructions
>         on
>             https://www.horde.org/apps/webmail/docs/INSTALL
>             <https://www.horde.org/apps/webmail/docs/INSTALL>
>             which should be the recommended way, no?
>         Yes.  And if you've installed via pear, that's great.  Your
>         first post
>         could be interpreted that you were using Ubuntu packages.  Which
>         is not the
>         recommended way.
>             Everything worked without any problems, before I did an apt
>             upgrade on
>         the underlying OS. Since all other apps continue to work without
>         problem, I
>         think the issue might be specific to Horde and I was just
>         looking for tips
>         on how to debug and find a solution.
>             To your questions:
>             1. As per default, I use dovecot for authentication. Dovecot is
>         recommended by Horde.
>             2. Dovecot version 2.2.22, postfix version 3, PHP version 5.6.30
>         An OS upgrade, shouldn't affect Horde.  If the web ui is
>         accessible at all
>         you could run phpinfo(); from the PHP shell.
>         In the worst case, you could backup all your Horde config files,
>         delete the
>         Horde directory and install it again, copying the config files
>         back one at
>         a time.
>         Simon
>             Thank you for your support
>             Alex
>             On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 5:24 PM, Simon B
>             <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com <mailto:simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>>
>         wrote:
>                 On 26 Feb 2017 06:54, "Alex" <alex9434 at gmail.com
>                 <mailto:alex9434 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>                     Dear all,
>                     using Horde Webmail on Ubuntu 16.04 with mariadb and
>                     php 5.6. Since
>                     updating with apt-get upgrade I cannot use IMP
>                     anymore because I get
>         the
>                     following error:
>                     IMP is marked as authenticated, but no credentials
>                     can be found in the
>                     session.
>                     The error log shows the following message:
>                     ERR: HORDE [imp] IMP is marked as authenticated, but
>                     no credentials
>         can be
>                     found in the session. [pid 489 on line 628 of
>         "/usr/local/share/horde/imp/
>                     lib/Imap.php"]
>                     IMP is version 6.2.17 and horde is 5.2.13
>                     Any idea where I can start looking to solve the
>                     error message? Any help
>                     would be appreciated.
>                 Seems you haven't searched the archives..
>                 https://lists.horde.org/archives/horde/Week-of-Mon-20130805/048873.html
>                 <https://lists.horde.org/archives/horde/Week-of-Mon-20130805/048873.html>
>                 Or perhaps
>         https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000573865-Horde-error-IMP-is-marked-as-authenticated-but-no-credentials-can-be-found-in-the-session
>         <https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000573865-Horde-error-IMP-is-marked-as-authenticated-but-no-credentials-can-be-found-in-the-session>
>                 Whilst it's more likely to be the first one, you should
>                 also not rule
>         out the second.
>                 Also, it took a while on the dovecot and postfix lists
>                 to get you to
>         provide Version numbers for the software you're seeking help
>         on.  Would be
>         great if you could do that here too.  No one cares that you're
>         running
>         Ubuntu, or what version.
>                 You have provided 0 information about the version of
>                 horde or imp;
>         whether you have a user backend, or authenticate with IMAP.
>                 You're also not installing horde in a manner recommended
>                 by the devs,
>         (not that I am one) thus your request for assistance would be
>         directed to
>         the Ubuntu package maintainer.
>                 Cheers.
>                 Simon
>     Hey everyone.  An OS upgrade can indeed affect Horde if it includes
>     an update to the web server or PHP or any software involved with
>     fetching and reading email (ie, IMAP).
>     For example, I am currently holding our Debian upgrade for Apache
>     from 2.10 to 2.25.x until I can figure out what is causing IMP to
>     not be able to authenticate with the IMAP server when using Apache
>     2.24.x/2.25.x. The issue first popped up last July 2016 with an
>     update to 2.24.x and I thought it was fixed with 2.25 (and I believe
>     I told this mailing list it was fixed a few weeks ago), but about an
>     hour after I sent the "all clear" email to the list, I discovered
>     the fix went away as soon as we restarted both Apache and php-fpm.
>     So I dropped back again until I can find time to investigate.
>     Later,
>     --
>     Andy
> Hi Andy, thank you very much. That was it! I decided to just roll-back
> the apt-get upgrade and everything works now again!

Alex, that is great.

It might be helpful if you can confirm what version of Apache you rolled 
from and back to.  I am convinced there must have something in my Apache 
config for Horde that is interacting with Imp's .htaccess, but so far I 
not found anything.  If your roll-back did not include a version 
rollback for Apache then I may be looking in the wrong place for my problem.

Also, you should be careful with a roll-back on all packages since 
security holes are always being patched in modules like openSSL and many 
others not directly related to Apache.  If the problem is just Apache 
then you may be able to safely let other modules update.

Andy Dorman

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