[imp] Saving The Same Draft Message Used More Than Once

Arjen de Korte build+horde at de-korte.org
Mon Jan 28 08:11:27 UTC 2019

Citeren enelani at laserserver.net:

> Hello,
> I have to email my employer each workday to say I am available for  
> work. For that I submit a standard draft email message each time.
> In the older edition of Horde when I sent the draft message it kept  
> it in the list of drafts. However, in the latest edition of Horde  
> when i send the draft message it deletes it from my list of drafts  
> each time.
> Is there a way to send the draft message but also keep it in Drafts  
> at the same time.

You should use a template for that, it can be found under  

> Thank you
> Enelani

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