[ingo] Re: Ingo Filters
Michael M Slusarz
slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Mon Jun 23 15:10:09 PDT 2003
Quoting Rodolfo <segleaur at mechanus.org>:
| | hey guys, i updated to the latest cvs versions of ingo and imp. I used
| to
| | the
| | built-in filter functions from imp, but since the migration, i
| recreated all
| | the filter in ingo, set the driver to null using the imap, and now
| they
| | don't
| | work. From last week, til Monday of this week, the 16th, the filters
| in ingo
| | worked - but since Monday, they haven't. I've been checking the code
| and I'm
| | not sure what broke it - i now click on the filter icon in the mailbox
| view,
| | and it just refreshes the mailbox, not applying any filters. Any ideas
| why
| | this
| | is happening?
| |
| | help, guys! i'm getting swamped with about 700 emails in my inbox...
| |
| ok. i've checked all the logs, and there's no errors, so at least i know
| the
| code is running completely through, but it has to be breaking down in the
| application of the filters.
| i've blown away the settings in the database and started over, defining
| about
| six of them to see if any hit, but no avail.
| i've set up the backends.php to use the imap setting as:
| $backends['null'] = array(
| 'driver' => 'null',
| 'preferred' => 'sigil.mechanus.org',
| 'script' => 'imap',
| 'hordeauth' => 'user',
| 'params' => array()
| );
| i'm still trying to track down the problem, but if any of you have an
| idea what's going on - drop me a line.
No problems here.
Michael Slusarz [slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder
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