[ingo] Procmail Additionnal values

Kristof Pelckmans kristof.pelckmans at antwerpen.be
Sun Nov 2 00:12:41 PST 2003

> This really is something that should never be allowed to be altered by a
> user.  If a user has a need for this advanced functionality, they probably
> shouldn't be using ingo.  Only an administrator should have to add variable
> information to a procmail script.  As such, it works better in the
> configuration files rather than a preference.  See the commit I just made.

I do not completely agree. First of all, modifying the procmailrc means having
an access other than webmail to the machine. I want to avoid this.

Then, we are not only talking about environment variables here : I use the
following procmailrc :

#rewrite and deliver if coming from aaa
* ^From:.*kristof\.pelckmans at aaa\.be
        #fhw : this pipe is a filter on the header that your should wait for
        :0 fhw
        | $FORMAIL +1 -ds | sed -e s/DCS0[0-9].aaa/aaa.be/ -e

#horde filter rules

On could develop a web interface that permits entering a rule as mentioned
above, but it will never capture all procmail commands.

I agree that users can mess up their mailbox using this advanced feature, but by
 letting the administrator decide and give an extra warning when users enter a
manual rule I believe this adds extra functionality to ingo.

Kind regards,


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