[ingo] Generate procmail script

Reuben Budiardja reubendb at goshen.edu
Wed Jul 7 06:17:33 PDT 2004

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Reuben Budiardja <reubendb at goshen.edu>:
> Any questions?

duh... sorry, I was not very explicit, was I ? :).

Basically I can't figure out where the generated procmail recipe is saved. I
played around with the options in ingo/config/backends.php.

Putting 'null' for the driver, I cant get the procmail recipe at all. It seems
that ingo just stored the rules in the mysql database table horde_prefs.

Putting 'vfs' for the driver and put in the appropriate ftp server config, I can
see a new .procmailrc in my FTP account, but the content is only:

# Unsupported Rule: 8

# Unsupported Rule: 1

# Unsupported Rule: 1

Clicking the "script" icon shows the same thing.

So basically I can't figure out where the generated procmailrc file is, if
there's any. Also, is there possible way not to put the generated procmailrc
uisng FTP server ? what about just put it in the pre-set temporary directory
that the webserver user has write access to ?

I am using ingo_RELENG with horde-2.x

Thanks for the help.

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