[ingo] SpamAssassin Black/White list preferences
William R Thomas
corvar at zipple.com
Mon Feb 21 12:44:49 PST 2005
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I wanted to have Ingo's blacklist/whitelist functionality also update
the SpamAssassin black/whitelist configuration. I had it fairly easy
because everything is using the full email address as the login, and I
had already configured SpamAssassin to use MySQL for user preferences.
Attached is a diff from the ingo/lib/Storage/prefs.php file which
includes the above functionality. It is sort of rough, and I doubt it
would be wanted for general inclusion, but I figured I would share in
case anyone else could use it.
William R. Thomas
Corvar corvar at theonering.net
Co-Webmaster http://www.theonering.net/
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
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assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
-- Amendment I Bill of Rights
X-Stamper-To: corvar at theonering.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="intprefs.diff"
< class Ingo_Storage_intprefs extends Ingo_Storage {
> class Ingo_Storage_prefs extends Ingo_Storage {
< function Ingo_Storage_intprefs($params = array())
> function Ingo_Storage_prefs($params = array())
< global $prefs,$conf;
< $SAdbUserName = $conf['sql']['username'];
< $SAdbPassword = $conf['sql']['password'];
< $SAdbName = "spamassassin";
< $SAconnect = mysql_connect("localhost",$SAdbUserName,$SAdbPassword) or die("Cannot connect to db");
< mysql_select_db($SAdbName, $SAconnect) or die("Cannot select DB");
> global $prefs;
< $sql = sprintf("delete from userpref where username='%s' && preference ='blacklist_from';", Auth::getAuth());
< $result = mysql_query($sql,$SAconnect) or die("cannot query $sql\n");
< foreach ($ob->getBlacklist() as $address) {
< $sql = sprintf("insert into userpref (username,preference,value) VALUES('%s','blacklist_from','$address');",Auth::getAuth());
< $result = mysql_query($sql,$SAconnect) or die("cannot query $sql\n");
< }
< $sql = sprintf("delete from userpref where username='%s' && preference ='whitelist_from';", Auth::getAuth());
< $result = mysql_query($sql,$SAconnect) or die("cannot query $sql\n");
< foreach ($ob->getWhitelist() as $address) {
< $sql = sprintf("insert into userpref (username,preference,value) VALUES('%s','whitelist_from','$address');",Auth::getAuth());
< $result = mysql_query($sql,$SAconnect) or die("cannot query $sql\n");
< }
< mysql_close($SAconnect);
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