[ingo] Delayed application of filter rules

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Thu Apr 6 11:54:49 PDT 2006

Quoting JM Coursimault <Horde at coursimault.com>:

> Hello,
> On my Imp/Ingo installation, I see that all messages first arrive in  
>  my mailbox,
> and then after several minutes Ingo kicks in, applies the rules I've  
>  defined and
> transfers the messages in the folders I want.
> I would like the messages to arrive immediately in the destination   
> folders. I've
> googled high and low and I don't see what happens or how to change this
> behavior.
> My installation is :
> Mandriva Linux 2006.0
> horde-3.0.5-1mdk
> horde-nag-2.0.2-2mdk
> horde-imp-4.0.3-2mdk
> horde-ingo-1.0.1-3mdk
> horde-turba-2.0.3-2mdk
> horde-mnemo-2.0.1-3mdk
> (those are the last available official Mandriva versions)
> I've uw-imap (the package name is imap-2004e-1.1.20060mdk)
> and php-imap-5.0.4-2.1.20060mdk
> My /etc/horde/ingo/backends.php contains
> /* IMAP Example */
> $backends['imap'] = array(
>     'driver' => 'null',
>     'preferred' => 'localhost',
>     'hordeauth' => true,
>     'params' => array(),
>     'script' => 'imap',
>     'scriptparams' => array()
> );
> (I guess that the IMAP driver is the one to use, but I really don't know...)

It isn't, if you want filtering done at delivery time.  The IMAP  
driver only filters messages when it gets a chance to poll the server  
(at the MUA level).  You need to use a driver like procmail, sieve,  
etc. that does filtering at the MTA level instead.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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