[ingo] sftp support for VFS driver

Steve Caissie stevec at carbondesignsystems.com
Thu Jun 8 05:49:10 PDT 2006

To get sftp to work:

1) I changed ingo/lib/Driver/vfs.php to accept "ssh2" as a valid vfstype.
2) rm -r horde/lib/VFS*
3) pear install VFS-0.1.0

I haven't tested it much, but it appears to work.

VFS-0.1.0 requires the SSH2 pear module.  I had to download it from
http://pecl.php.net/package/ssh2/0.5.  I couldn't get `pear install` to
work for it.


<         if ($this->_params['vfstype'] != 'ftp') {
>         if ($this->_params['vfstype'] != 'ftp' && 
$this->_params['vfstype'] != 'ssh2') {
<         if ($this->_params['vfstype'] != 'ftp') {
>         if ($this->_params['vfstype'] != 'ftp' && 
$this->_params['vfstype'] != 'ssh2') {

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