[ingo] Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: [Tickets #4035] RESOLVED: Filtering on body with Procmail

Ben Chavet ben at horde.org
Wed Jun 14 11:50:40 PDT 2006

Again, please keep conversations on the list, for archiving.

----- Forwarded message from jmc at coursimault.com -----
     Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 20:44:07 +0200
     From: Jean-Marc Coursimault <jmc at coursimault.com>
  Subject: Re: [ingo] Fwd: Re: [Tickets #4035] RESOLVED: Filtering on  
body with Procmail
       To: Ben Chavet <ben at horde.org>

Ben Chavet <ben at horde.org> a dit:
> Ah, nice catch!  Try what I just committed.

Not quite :-)
Should be
           $flag .= 'B';
and not
           $flag = 'B';
because the 'D' (case sensitive) flag would be overwritten if it was
set already.


-- Jean Marc

----- End forwarded message -----

I blame the lack of caffienne this morning :)  fixed in CVS.

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From: Jean-Marc Coursimault <jmc at coursimault.com>
Subject: Re: [ingo] Fwd: Re: [Tickets #4035] RESOLVED: Filtering on body
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Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 20:44:07 +0200
Size: 2306
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