[ingo] Does Ingo blacklists allow wildcards?

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Sep 21 08:43:58 UTC 2007

Zitat von Jim Sutton <jim at suttonsonline.com>:

> Thanks for the great work on Ingo this team has put together. I am a
> user of the software. After looking through some of the code, FAQs and
> mailing lists I was not able to determine if wildcard characters (like
> * or &) can be used in the blacklist filter. I tried to use an "*"
> wildcard to block a known test email from a known domain, but it did
> not seem to work. It would be nice to block whole domains in the
> blacklist filter, especially where the spammers are just changing
> their user names on a single domain. Thanks for any reply in advance!

This really depends on the filter backend. And since you probably  
don't know that, because you are an user and not the administrator, we  
can't help you further than telling you to simply try it out.


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