[ingo] can't get ingo talking to timsieved

Spiro Harvey, Knossos Networks Ltd spiro at knossos.net.nz
Wed Apr 2 03:40:51 UTC 2008

> Your storage backend isn't working. IIRC you were using the prefs  
> backend. That means that you didn't configure a permanent storage for  
> the preference system.

I set up postgresql and this acted as a storage for it. now all the 
sieve scripts are persistent between logins...

>> another issue I'm noticing that may or may not be related is that I will
>> log in, and get a default menu which has all the admin options (I'm
>> listed as admin), but when I click on mail, it prompts me to login
>> again. but that might be a problem for the imp list...
> I suggest you read docs/INSTALL.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to change the httpd document 
root to imp and that will bypass this problem :)

Spiro Harvey                  Knossos Networks Ltd
021-295-1923                    www.knossos.net.nz

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