[ingo] Ingo's Procmail vacation - /bin/sh: date: No such file or directory

David Powell (YANQ) tech at yanq.org.au
Fri Aug 1 02:56:05 UTC 2008

Hi All,

I'm having some trouble setting up Ingo's vacation script using procmail 
as the filter's backend.  I'm running Horde Groupware Webmail 1.1 (Horde 
3.2, Ingo 1.2) and procmail 3.22 on Debian stable (linux kernel 2.6.18-4).

Other filters (such as moving emails to specific folders based on 
particular headers) are all working fine.  It's just the vacation script 
that I've noticed a problem with.

Here are the relevant lines written to the procmail log when a message 
gets received (and the vacation email should be triggered):

/bin/sh: date: No such file or directory
/bin/bash: line 0: test: -gt: unary operator expected
procmail: Skipped "* ^TO_NOSPAM at domain.org.au"
procmail: Skipped "* !^X-Loop: NOSPAM at domain.org.au"
procmail: Skipped "* !^X-Spam-Flag: YES"
procmail: Skipped "* !^FROM_DAEMON"
procmail: Skipped "| formail -rD 8192 
${VACATION_DIR:-.}/.vacation.NOSPAM at domain.org.au"

I think the problem is related to that first error (date: No such file 
or directory).  But the system has the date program installed and it 
works fine when executed by any user.  I can't see anywhere else where 
'date' is referred to in the generated procmail script (which I've 
copied below).

Anyway,  within ingo's backends.php file I have the following variables 
set for the procmail script:

'script' => 'procmail',
    'scriptparams' => array(
        'path_style' => 'maildir',
        'variables' => array(
            'PATH' => '/usr/bin',
            'DEFAULT' => '$HOME/Maildir/',
            'VACATION_DIR' => '$HOME'

And finally, if it helps here is the procmail script that is generated 
in the users home directory when I enable the vacation script:

##### Vacation #####
  FILEDATE=`test -f ${VACATION_DIR:-.}/'.vacation.NOSPAM at domain.org.au' 
&& ls -lcn --time-style=+%s 
${VACATION_DIR:-.}/'.vacation.NOSPAM at domain.org.au' | awk '{ print $6 + 
(86400) }'`
  DATE=`date +%s`
  DUMMY=`test -f ${VACATION_DIR:-.}/'.vacation.NOSPAM at domain.org.au' && 
test $FILEDATE -le $DATE && rm 
${VACATION_DIR:-.}/'.vacation.NOSPAM at domain.org.au'`

  :0 h
  SUBJECT=| formail -xSubject:

  :0 Whc: ${VACATION_DIR:-.}/vacation.lock
  * ? test $DATE -gt $START && test $END -gt $DATE
  :0 Whaf
  * ^TO_NOSPAM at domain.org.au
  * !^X-Loop: NOSPAM at domain.org.au
  * !^X-Spam-Flag: YES
  | formail -rD 8192 ${VACATION_DIR:-.}/.vacation.NOSPAM at domain.org.au
    :0 ehc
    | (formail -rI"Precedence: junk" \
       -a"From: <NOSPAM at domain.org.au>" \
       -A"X-Loop: NOSPAM at domain.org.au" \
       -i"Subject: Mail delivery notice - NOSPAM at domain.org.au (Re: 
$SUBJECT)" ; \
       echo -e "Please note:\r\n\r\nBLAH BLAH BLAH" \
      ) | $SENDMAIL -fNOSPAM at domain.org.au -oi -t


David Powell
Technical Officer
Youth Affairs Network of Queensland
30 Thomas, WEST END Q 4101
Tel: (07) 3844 7713
Fax: (07) 3844 7731
Email: tech at yanq.org.au
Web: http://www.yanq.org.au

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